Friday, 21 November 2014

Pulp Fiction - Opening Scene Breakdown and Analysis

Pulp Fiction

The title sequence starts with a fast-paced soundtrack. This is used to build suspense, while potentially foreshadowing that the movies story line will also be hectic and fast-paced. During the first scene there is no soundtrack. This makes the audience feel unsure about the atmosphere and can even suppress certain emotions. This is really effective in this scene as the characters “snap” between a happy to an extremely dangerous/hostile temperament. After that there is a medium long shot when the characters “snap” and start pointing their weapons at the others in the diner. This shot is very effective as it makes the man seem really big as he takes up a lot of the shot because he is standing on a seat. Doing this emphasises how the two characters have suddenly become powerful and intimidating. This change of the characters temperament is also mirrored by the sudden alteration between the most frequently used medium shot, to the medium long shot.  

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