Cape Fear - Title
Sequence Breakdown & Analysis
- The production company appears “Universal.”
- The production company fades away with water wave effects – transition.
- Mid close up shot of waves in the background while cast names appear/ fade onto the screen.
- Water fades away slightly to show a eagle/bird of prey flying. This is perhaps done to show that someone is going to be hunted.
- The ripples of the water change shape.
- The words “CAPE FEAR” fade onto the screen.
- Water becomes more transparent to show an extreme close up of a eye. The iris of the eye appears to be dilated. This could be done to show that someone is scared or shocked. The iris of the eye also looks around really quickly. This reassures me that this eye is in the title sequence to show that a character is terrified and has to stay alert.
- The ripples of the water then change again.
- More names appear
- Water becomes more transparent.
- Extreme close up of an open mouth.
- The camera then zooms in on the mouth gradually so that only the teeth are visible. This is perhaps done to show that a character is screaming.
- Mouth fades away, back to showing names.
- Water becomes more transparent.
- Close up of a sinister face.
- Fades back to names appearing on the screen.
- Pattern of ripples changes – becomes more complex
- Pattern of ripples change again. However, this time they do not fill the whole screen.
- Hazy red figure appears behind the ripples. Hard to see.
- Ripples then change again
- Names return to appearing on the screen.
- Half of a mysterious silhouette appears behind the water.
- Names return to appearing on the screen.
- Water fades red with a drop of liquid falling in the background. As this water falls down the screen the rest of waves turn red. This is done to symbolise blood.
- Waves remain red while names start appearing on the screen again.
- Waves fade away but the red remains.
- Close up on a pair of eyes fades onto the screen. These eyes combined with the red gives the impression that these eyes are the eyes of a killer.
- Eyes remain on the screen, but the colour switches from red to white. This could be done to symbolise how the killer can change his personality to appear as being innocent and pure. –links in with the “disjointed” personality.
- Eyes and colour then fade away into the eyes of a girl. The camera then zooms away so more of the character is visible.
- Behind the girl, there appears to be falling water. This could be done to hint to the audience that she is going to get killed, and that it is her blood in the water.
- This then fades away back into waves and the words “CAPE FEAR” reappear on the screen.
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