Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Dark Knight - Opening Scene Mise-en-Scene Breakdown & Analysis


From the very opening scene of the dark knight it is clear to the audience that the movie is of the thriller genre. The most obvious thriller convention used is one of the props, the masks. The masks that the villains wears instantly show the audience that these characters are strange and most likely about to do something dangerous due to them wanting to keep their identities hidden. Also, the masks themselves resemble sinister looking clowns. This will most likely make the audience feel afraid as some people are afraid of clowns. Also, by hiding each individuals face with the mask, it confuses the audience and keeps them unsafe of who is the "Joker". furthermore, these criminals are made to look even more dangerous by carrying grenades and firearms. This confirms to the audience that these characters are soon to cause chaos which is a important when generating suspense, a key aspect of any thriller film.


The lighting within the dark night further establishes that the movie is indeed of the thriller genre. This is also clear from the very opening scene. Towards the end of the bank robbery the one of the criminals takes off the mask. This then reveals the face of the Joker. However, as this happens sunshine is hitting the back of the jokers face. Doing this makes the joker look very dark and psychotic while emphasising large red cuts running across the jokers face.


Like many thriller movies, the dark knight begins with an establishing shot. This establishing shot consists of a very wealthy district, a ideal place for a crime to take place. This establishing shot also denotes the theme of wealth and power and shows that what is about to take place in this area is going to effect the whole city.


The main characters within this opening scene are clearly very dangerous and threatening, with a sole intention in causing damage and destruction within the city. Even though you cannot see each criminals face, you can still see that they are intent on causing chaos through there outfits and body language. The very way that they walk even emphasises this. Their confident walk shows that they are confident about their flawed plan. furthermore, this highlights to the audience that these are villains as they are shown to be un-resourceful due to multiple set backs when executing the bank robbery.      

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