Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Prisoners - Mise-en-scene


Near the begging of the film, the suspect crashes into a tree after being pursued by the police. When found he is appeared with some blood on his face. This blood is make up and is a very effective part of the mise-en-scene. This is done to show the audience that he is badly hurt, but also denotes that the police are more effective and efficient (because they are not hurt).

When found by the police, the suspect hands are clearly shaking badly. This shows the audience that the suspect is very nervous about being caught. This could also show the audience that the suspect is most likely guilty. 

There is one shot that consists of just a silhouette. This is created by the lighting which is another one of the key aspects of mise-en-scene. This silhouette is very effective a creating a suspenseful atmosphere, keeping the audience guessing who the silhouette belongs to. Coupled with the silhouette, dark weather is in the shot. This adds to the overall "dark" and "sad" atmosphere.

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