Psycho - Title Sequence Analysis and Breakdown
First appears the production company, Universal. This then fades
into a grey screen. Directly after, black, horizontal lines begin to travel
across the screen. These lines can be interpreted as blood running across the
floor. Another possible connotation is that the black lines, in contrast with
the grey background, represents the split personalities of the “Psycho.” These lines then carry along fragments of
letters which then form “ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S.” this happens again and spells the
title of the film, “PSYCHO.” The word “PSYCHO” remains on the screen for around
two seconds then the structure of the letters break up. This is perhaps done to
represent the psychos’ unstable mentality and disjointed social appearance. These
horizontal lines then rush off of the screen while vertical lines rush across. After
the lines slide off, the words “STARRING ANTHONY PERKINS” appear. This happens
again but instead shows “VERA MILES.” This happens again but instead shows “JOHN
GAVIN.” The lines then switch back to traveling horizontally. Within one of the
horizontal lines, the words “CO STARRING” can be scene. The lines then slide
off of the screen and show “CO STARRING MARTIN BALSAM & JOHN McINTIRE.”
This happens again to show 3 other actors names. The next time this happens, it
displays the words “AND JANET LEIGH AS MARION CRANE.” Compared to the other
actors name “JANET LEIGH” is written much larger on the screen. This is done to show that Janet Leigh is one
of the more important and famous actors in the film. This sequences of the
lines and text then happen again frequently, showing the names and roles of the
other people involved in developing the film such as: “ASSISTANT DIRECTOR.” Once
the sequence of the lines and text stop; the screen fades into a horizontal pan
shot of Phoenix Arizona. This shot gradually zooms in until it reaches an
apartment window. This could have been done to show how what it about to happen
in that apartment will affect the entire city. It is important to note that
throughout the title sequence there is generic fast paced music. This is done
generate a suspenseful atmosphere and make the audience feel uneasy.
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