Saturday, 7 March 2015

Inception - Character Analysis

Character Analysis

Arthur is Dominick Cobb's right-hand man. Although Cobb is the master planner, Arthur is the most logical, skeptical individual of the group. I saw this near the beginning of the film, Cobb was shouting at Arthur for messing up the details, Arthur looked affected and confused as though it surprised him to make a mistake. Cobb and Arthur are like a duo, a 'Batman and Robin', the film shows that both of their works flow and support eachothers. He is the organized one, he does the research, the one making sure everything is in its right place. Sharing dreams is not just a job for him; he finds his work fascinating. As such, he often deals with the details of missions, leaving the grand schemes to the others. His solution to the problem of creating a kick in a zero-gravity environment is evidence of his resourcefulness and knowledge of physics in action. Because his mind is so organized and stable, Arthur is often used as the dreamer for secondary dream levels. Arthur is very knowledgeable about the technical aspects of the World of the Dream and is readily able to explain it to others in very simple terms. He is also very capable at hand-to-hand combat, defeating several guards in the hallways of the hotel. 

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