Saturday, 28 March 2015

Shutter Island- Trailer Analysis- Part Three

Straight after this, he is about to run into a man in a white lab coat, he stops in shock as though he is not supposed to be there. In this scene he is wearing white clothes which raises question to whether he has been confined and is being held as prisoner. The man looks like a typical 50's doctor with a smart suit on and the classic white lab coat. He says "going somewhere?", this is very intimidating as the audience is wary of everyone working in the institution and will find it hard to know who to trust. The main character's name is shown 'LEONARDO DICAPRIO' and the same build-up music starts. The detective is shown looking angry and insane with papers floating down around him. There are quick shots of police and the detectives together as the bald man says "i have built something valuable here and i'm not going to give up without a fight". From this the audience now knows that the detective has found fault with the institution and wants it to be shut down, the only thing they don't know is why. The following scene shows the detective with a gun, kicking down a door and frantically running up stairs, we hear his partner say "what if when you were looking into them they were looking into you!". Quick shots show the guard looking stern, the detective looking around the corner, walking through the rain, gates closing. His partner continues "now they have us both, here, now!" This confirms that the detectives are unsafe in shutter island. A scene is shown of doors flying open and heavy rain pours over them both. The detective is questioning more patients, he says "let me see your face, LET ME SEE YOUR DAMN FACE NOW". The patient slowly turns around and reveals his stapled slash-cut on his face and a lit matchstick to match the one the detective is holding. In the next scene the detective picks up a gun and screams "DON'T MOVE DON'T MOVE!" we can see him losing his sanity the more we see of the trailer. A shot of a young girl and her mother is shown with a big explosion in the background, then a girl underwater assumingly dead, perhaps the young girl shown with the blonde woman. Fast paced editing is used to show the next few shots which is a patient walking through the corridor, the detective running with his face as though he is screaming and him walking through a room with fire in it. This shows there is more to the film, the audience will question the relevance of the woman and child. A blonde woman is shown opposite him and he reaches out for what is in her hand, a gun, the next shot shows him holding the same woman who is grey and turns to ash in his arms, with ash falling from the ceiling of the room. The past few scenes of the trailer have a theme of fire, so the audience can now make links that maybe the blonde mother died in fire which would explain ashes. The daughter was not shown using fire, but instead a small body in water, which could show she died from drowning. Even faster shots are shown of papers flying around; the bald man watching something and showing him again shows his relevance to the film, a girl laying in snow/ash opens her eyes. Perhaps the same girl who was with the blonde mother. Then the detective walking with a shotgun. The name of the film is shown before the last scene which is supposed to make the lasting impression. The bald man speaks, over a scene of the detective walking. "Wouldn't you agree when you see a monster, you must stop it", a bald patient attacks the detective, pushing him against the fence and dragging him along the walkway. When he attacked, a loud sound effect was used to make the audience jump, this would appeal to viewers who like this sort of genre. Finally there is a black screen and the words 'FEBRUARY 2010' are shown. It finishes on two shots of credit sequences.

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